Early Bird Pricing Ending Soon
S'mores & Meeples registrations are on the rise! This is just a friendly reminder that Early Bird badge registration will be closing on May 31st. Don't worry, you'll still be able to register for camp through August 31st, but this will be your final chance to lock in a discounted badge rate. Registration for campers will be increasing on June 1 to $69/pp. In under a month, 2019 attendance has already exceeded last year's TOTAL camper count. Yes, TOTAL! We still have three more months of open registration to go, and we are well on our way to selling out for the weekend.
As a side note, guest badges will be available in limited quantities based on how full camper registration is. Be sure to mark your calendar for July 1st if you are interested in joining us for the day.
Jason and I are humbled by how quickly S'mores & Meeples has grown and we look forward to hosting many new events this year!